CT Bus Driver Texted 1000 X - Tell Court NO REHAB RELEASE!

Evelyn GuzmanI'm Kim Stagliano. Last May my daughter then 9 year old Bella was assaulted on her school bus by the bus monitor. Bella has autism and does not speak. The monitor plead guilty to her charges today, 4/1. Her MOTHER Evelyn Guzman (in photo) was the bus driver - and during review of video tape from the bus, was caught TEXTING while driving the special ed bus - over 1000 texts in 4 weeks.  See story here:

Guzman is appealing to Bridgeport Court for a "rehab" program that will prevent her from having a record. I do not want her to walk away FREE.

We need to tell the judge NO - our children deserve safety. YOU deserve safety as you drive or simply get your mail from your mail box.

Please sign the petition, which I will share with the judge on 4/8.  You can reach me at KimStagliano@gmail. Please share with friends and family. Thank you. Bella's Mom.
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