Cierra's Law

  • por: Candace
  • destinatário: TN Senete and then the President
As of now, when a parent is convicted for abusing their own children, they will receive an array of services to "help" them. They will re receive a bed to sleep, clothing, shelter from the cold,three meals a day, education, legal services, health care, dental care, a right to work, therapy, and any other services deemed as necessary. The program is set up to see that the offender receives everything needed. The government even makes sure the offender is where he/she needs to be to get the services.

Victims and non-offending parents or caregivers are left to live and attempt to maintain in schools, work, and in the community with a mountain of emotional disturbances left from the abuse and trauma. As you may well know children suffering from emotional disturbances will have severe behavior problems that teachers, schools, and after school programs can not handle. This situation leaves the care-giver with major work-family conflict while facing the trials of emotionally unstable children.

There is no financial support for these families. All children need and deserve financial support. Children and families in this situation need it in a harsh way. They are being left out. This must change! The offender is cared for for and the victims are left to pay a greater price. What are we saying with this resultant effect?

Offenders that rob banks and stores must pay restitution in attempt to restore the damage done. A parent turns their own child into a victim and pays nothing? Are we saying financial damage is the only thing deserving of restitution? Are we saying banks and stores hold more value than children and families?

Cierra's Law will ensure that when a parent is convicted and sentenced to prison, restitution will be set. The amount will be based on the cost to raise a child, the age of the child or children abused, and extent of trauma inflicted upon the child.

Our future needs us now! These children will become active part of our society. They need support to heal, grow, and learn to live free from the bondage of abuse of their parent/parents. With financial support and wrap around services for the victim and family (as the offender is receiving) these children can break cycles, live free from alcohol and drug addictions, maintain jobs and healthy homes. If we, the citizens of America do some sewing, we will reap the benefits!

Please stand with me to make this change. Thank you!

It is time to spend the money to help the children, to break the horrible cycle of abuse, to show that love does exist. Show our children that if they will speak out, we will take care of them. Show them they will not have to endure further punishment for the damage of their parents.

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