Help Cat Pals, Inc. and SUPPORT TNR to save the cats

  • por: Cat Pals, Inc
  • destinatário: Broward County Commission & Parks & Recreation
Cat Pals Inc. has been managing the feral cat colonies in Hollywood North Beach Park for over 15 years.  Now our cats are being targeted by a local chapter of the Audubon Society.
They will settle for nothing less then removal.  If you are a TNR proponent, you know as well as we do that if they kill these cats (and our program) more cats will be dropped, multiply, and begin the cycle again, however, this time there will be no volunteers to manage feed spay neuter and vaccinate the cats, and no amount of Parks money will trap and kill them all every year.  Thank you for taking the time consider our problem.  Please sign our petition supporting TNR and Cat Pals. 
We, the undersigned residents and visitors of Broward County, Florida fully support the Cat Pals Organization and their TNR (Trap/Neuter/Release) Program.  We ask that they be allowed
to continue their work on behalf of the feral cat population of Hollywood's North Beach Park.
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