• por: Rodger Ricketts
  • destinatário: Until Israel gives Palestine justice and economic freedom

The World cannot continue to wring it's hands about the unjust treatment of the people of Palestine by the Israeli government. This situation of psychological, economic and political repression has continued long enough. To seek all possible peaceful venues to make Israel comply with past political agreements, international law and UN agreements, I propose an economic boycott of Israel and Israeli products until justice in the area on the part of Israel is achieved. No other methods in the past seem to fully motivate Israel to resolve the Palestinian issue in a just mannor so perhaps economic motivation will work. The yardstick to measure the success of this petition will be an active and earnest participation by Israel in an International peace conference that remedies specific and concrete steps to accord the frameworks already established by the UN and past agreements. This conflict is not only a continued cruelty to the people of the area but it de-stablilizes the political situation of the world. Join me by showing your commitment for peace in the area by supporting this petition and economically boycotting Israel until they get it right.

Also, write, e-mail, phone the Israeli government telling them of your boycott and why.
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