Ban groups related to everybody draw Muhammad Day 20th May on Facebook

  • por: Muslim Nations of world
  • destinatário: Facebook to ban any hatred group which is against Islam and Muslims. 
Mark Zuckerberg / Facebook Admin

We want to put this petition forward to Facebook site Governance to block and ban any Group or Page made against Muslims and Islam or any other religion. Islam is Religion of peace and every Muslim in the world like peace and supports peace in world. 
Facebook is being used as free and open platform to spread hate against Muslims which we want to stop and All this would spark only Further tensions among communities and Facebook will be responsible for all that.   
If these activity would keep going on Muslims may have to Boycott Facebook  because Muslims are united. Or Facebook can ban these pages and groups and involve in spreading words of peace. 

 Mark Zuckerberg / Facebook Administration

We are writing you today in this way which reflects representation from many people from different parts of the world because Something you have created (facebook) is very useful for people to get connected to each other but in the mean while this same platform is being used for harmful and destructive purposes. Firstly we shall give you a brief introduction of religion Islam and followers are called Muslims. Islam is religion of peace , forgiveness, and a best way of live a life. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him ) is most loveable personality in the world for us. Depiction of Prophet Muhammad is blasphemy for us as its strictly prohibited in religion to do that.  
All we want Facebook to be regulated on these issues and No one should be allowed to make any group on Facebook or on any other website or promotion of these kind of acts.Because of Facebook Muslim around the world are in unrest and tension is increasing day by day. 

I hope this Petition will help you make those decisions to regulate groups on Facebook which can harm one's Belief.

Best Regards
Muslim Nations of the world

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