We the undersigned believe that all Television, Radio, Magazine and any public literture should not be allowed to use meat or dairy products in thier advertizments.
Using meat and dairy products promotes the idea that eating meat and dairy is healthy, it also promotes the idea that slaughering animals for food is acceptable, proper and nessary for our diets.
It has been proven by  many different medical reports, health professionals, even the United Nations, that eating meat and dairy causes many health problems. It is causing dramatic harm to our enviroment, and also contributes to world hunger. We also have the hightest farm animal abuse in history.

We feel that if other products such as tobacco have been taken  out of public advertising, because it has been proven to cause severe health issues, that meat and dairy products, that are also harmful, should not be used in commericals.
We feel that no one whether it is  the meat or dairy industry , grocery stores, fast food chains, restaurants, clubs, entertainment such as Football, Baseball, or Hockey games, should be allowed to use meat or dairy products in thier advertizments.
Our country has the worst animal abuse, and health issues in our history. We have more obese adults and children ever in history . We have more cancer, heart attacks, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes in history.

We need to start promoting a healthier, more compassionate lifestyle of eating more healthy foods, and getting more excerize.

Using meat and dairy products in commericals  sends the message that eating these foods is healthy. It also sends the message that slaughtering animals for food is acceptable and normal.
If other harmful products have been banned from commericals and advertizements, we feel that meat and dairy products that have been proven to be harmful, should also be banned.  
Banning meat and dairy products from commericals is even more essential if we are to promote a more compassionate lifestyle.  

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