The Communist Chinese Party [CCP] have been harvesting organs and tissues of lives, youth to elderly of the Falun Gong and other prisoners in their slave labor camps. It is outrageous enough to know of these human rights violations, but the CCP is selling the organs, tissues of these innocent prisoners. All monies are sent back to the CCP. In effect, the CCP have been and continue 'to bank on the lives of their victims'. This is a billion dollar business! Now you know why they don't want it stopped.
What this means for all locally globally, is that if it is Medicare, Medical, or other insurance companies, it means YOU, the tax payer would be participating in any/all of these crimes against humanity. Do you want your person or loved ones now, or later in history to be known as one who was complicit in the murder of countless innocent lives?
Many victims are sliced open while still alive by camp guards; most bodies, head to toe.There are over 7,000 concentration camps in mainland China; Many camps with mini hospitals on site to immediately take these organs, tissues to waiting patients needful of organs of the CCP, their relatives, or from wealthy lives from abroad. Many from outside China have been lured to China to have transplants. Price for these organs, tissues, prohibitive!
One can easily state that they steal the very heart and life from their victims! The Chinese Communists are worse than monstors !
Another horror: All international lives from abroad who go for any of these transplant surgeries, when they leave Communist China, and go home, no hospital or physican will competently be able to follow their health needs.
One important understanding peoples outside Communist China do not know:once prisoners are arrested by the CCP, thrown into concentration camps, ALL rights are stripped from any adult/child/elderly incarcerated. The 'taking' of organs, tissues in most countries state signatures be gained. In these Communist Concentration Camps, prisoners are either 'coerced by torture' for their organs and tissues stolen, or just outright murdered for the camp guards who are involved in murdering innocents. This of course is condoned by Chinese Communist Officials at the very top, the same ones who say they are entitled to the Olympic Games.
ALL global communities, Please help us bring a final stop to these crimes. Many of us in the disabled community objected to the Olympics based on these crimes going on, and crimes, occupation of Tibet, Burma, the horror genocide in Darfur, etc.. 'Occupied lands and peoples'.
The CCP is trying to destroy all medical files, evidence of their crimes. We must stand resolute in making sure they will not evade criminal justice.
Alert! Nobody cared to include our voices of any of our disabled lives, or communities. Of all peoples and children who know about these disabling issues, it is we who have in and of life suffered inumerable injustices as well by evil leaders of nations as Communist China. Communist China is no nation's friend. They are murders as well kill freedoms and as well individual freedoms and independence.
We of the disabled communities should be included, especially because of these issues. Many of us, if not family members, have survived such terrible issues of torture, etc. plus added issues of disabilities, illnesses, diseases. Why else is history looking at the issues of the Olympics of the Nazis, and then choose to dismiss what is transpiring ongoing in and of the CCP ?
The CCP are using other devisive measures to keep this out of the world press. It is up to all of us, individually, and collectively as free human beings of the globe, to say, enough, no more lies; bring this before the world court. Please, Adults & Youth of the globe, do assist MHONA now, in gaining our brothers, our sisters signatures on this petition, with copies of our letter and petition, even if YOU must sign for those disabled unable to sign. Please, leave no signature out from your city and nations. Be the heart of an Army of Helpers, to assist us further in gathering signatures in your City and Nations! Send signed completed petitions Before August 2, 2008 to: MHONA International - Box 22162 - San Francisco - CA.- USA - 94122. Let's show the globe, we as well as Falun Gong can and will work together!
We are disabled lives and profoundly, countless millions awaiting forever, transplants of various organs, tissues, locally and globally. Many of us will never find a donor. You must know we would never take any of these organs or tissues, just to live one minute longer. Many others without conscience have and continue to do just this. This in its self is a crime against humanity! How many ciizens througout the globe have gone to China for transplant surgery? How many medical personnell in and outside Mainland China have been and are involved ?
We refuse to keep our silence or be complicit!
All members of the global community have had their say. The disabled, the profoundly, and all awaiting transplants have had little say or even inquiry made as to how we feel about such crimes and travisty of justice. We now say, enough!
We are not against athletes of the Olympics, but against the Chinese Communists [CCP] leadership and their home grown killers.
With friends, families, with all of you in the community at large,we are not at all afraid to come forward. We do come forward on the global internet to ask every child, young adult, elderly to sign our petition. Let us tell the Chinese Communists, this is one of the main reasons we are opposed for them to have the honor of holding the Olympics. We are not against Chinese civilians and children. It is more than time to stop living in fear, or for the Chinese Communists to have and hold controlling interests in human lives, or enhancing their financial portfolios at the cost of other human lives expense.
We are against the criminal elements of the Chinese Communists
government, and all of their leaderships committing these atrocities, the ongoing acts of genocide. Let us not forget the extremes of torture these poor civilians, children all endure before their lives are tortured so cruelly and mass murdered.
The Olympics are about 'honor'. Any nation or human beings who do these crimes, are not 'honorable' peoples, nor do they offer trust to any lives anywhere, short or long term. History cannot forget such evil.
Conscience comes before the mention of 'honor'. The Chinese Communists do not know the word, nor respect or honor, 'life'.
They state it is an honor to hold the Olympics. As the world knows, there is never 'honor among thieves' !
At what cost will it be for the whole world to go to the games, yet ignore the backdrop of murder incorporated going on, round the clock in the backyards of Communist Mainland China?
Please sign and do link to our petition site. Translate our message, but do get everyone's signature. Encourage everyone who believes in our Universal Human Rights to join with our voices, our signatures against the CCP for these crimes against humanity. Let us not forget Tibet, Burma, Uighyars, Darfur and their own peoples in mainland China. We must not let the CCP think their crimes are hidden or will ever be forgot by any peoples or nations.
From The Heart of San Francisco, where the initial Universal Human Rights Doctrine was offered, AS disabled citizens, along with supportive lives and communities locally, globally, we offer our signatures freely. We take lead in this and many other actions against the Communist Chinese (CCP).
Please spread the word to all disabled lives, locally, globally join with us. No matter how frail we may be, it is our voices that must stay strong and resolute in bringing global attention to the mass disabling and killing of innocent lives, AND bringing the CCP before the World Court. Thank you ALL.
The picture to the left of our petition is that of a young girl tortured by an electric baton. The baton went into and on top of every part of her face and neck, eventually shattering and collapsing the veins, etc in her face and neck. This torture was applied for seven to nine hours straight. This and many more evil of extremes of tortures, abuses are meted out just because of practicing Falun Dafa, Falun Gong, being in membership, having a book on these practices, or exercising what they believe in public. Not only are extremes of torture endured, but the final offense of their organs or tissues stolen, sold for others to live longer than their owner of these precious organs and tissues. This is unjust and most unforgiveable !
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