Aldermen please remove the illegal billboards!

  • por: The Poor Women's Movement
  • destinatário: Chicago Aldermen Brendan Reilly, Anthony Beale, Latasha Thomas and Willie Cochran
On March 29, 2011, a Texas-based pro-life organization began installing billboards with an anti-abortion message on the South Side of Chicago. They use an image of President Obama to discourage African American women from their legally protected rights to a full range of reproductive health options. Since then, we have learned that these billboards are unpermitted, and a violation of City of Chicago signage ordinances (Chapter 17-12). The billboards are the result a private deal with Lake Outdoor Advertising and the landowner at 5812-20 S. State Street, and thus an illegal use of public land for private profit.

We the undersigned ask Chicago Aldermen to remove these offensive and illegal billboards down right away!
On March 29, 2011, a Texas-based pro-life organization began installing billboards with an anti-abortion message on the South Side of Chicago. They use an image of President Obama to discourage African American women from their legally protected rights to a full range of reproductive health options. Since then, we have learned that these billboards are unpermitted, and a violation of City of Chicago signage ordinances (Chapter 17-12). The billboards are the result a private deal with Lake Outdoor Advertising and the landowner at 5812-20 S. State Street, and thus an illegal use of public land for private profit.

We the undersigned ask you to remove these offensive and illegal billboards down right away!
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