Thank J.C. Penney for Ellen DeGeneres Partnership!

Recently, J.C. Penney made Ellen DeGeneres, the famous comedian and talk-show host, their new spokesperson. 

Unfortunately, not everyone is excited about it -- a hate group called "One Million Moms", has started a campaign to get Ellen replaced because she is an open lesbian and doesn't share their "traditional values". 

They say that the "majority" of J.C. Penney customers will be "offended", but opinions continue to change for the better about the LGBT community -- for example, the majority of Americans now support marriage equality. Also, Ellen has already been a spokesperson for American Express and Cover Girl. 

Thank J.C. Penney for making the right choice and choosing Ellen to represent their company, and tell them to stand up to One Million Moms' hate and for the LGBT community -- no one should be fired for simply being who they are!

Dear J.C. Penney,

Thank you for making the right choice and choosing Ellen DeGeneres as your new spokesperson! 

Recently, One Million Moms, an anti-gay hate group, started a campaign to get Ellen DeGeneres replaced as the spokesperson because she is an open lesbian. 

Please continue to show your support for Ellen and stand up to their hate.

[Your comments here.]


[Your name here.]

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