Support Equestrian Trails at Prophetstown State Park, BattleGround Indiana

  • por: Battle Ground Saddle Club
  • destinatário: Local and state wide equestrians who are hoping to get more local trails in the state


       Due to the lack of trail riding facilities in Tippecanoe and surrounding counties, we, the undersigned, petition the State of Indiana to consider the addition of equestrian trails at Prophetstown State Park.

Central Indiana does not have a lot of trails that local trail riders (equestrian) can easily drive to for a day ride.  With the price of fuel continuing to increase, it would be ideal to open up even a few more miles of trails in a local State Park.  Not only will this benefit the trail riders who would be able to drive a much shorter distance to get a relaxing ride, the state would also benefit from the revenue that the equestrians will bring into that park and the local businesses as well.

Governor Daniels has been opening up more to keep OUR money in OUR state.  We have riders coming from out of state all the time.  Our parks are starting to see the benefit of opening more areas to horse trails.

Wake up America, horse people spend a lot of money and Governor Daniels has recognized this and has been very supportive to the equestrian community.  Deam Lake, O'Bannon, Interlake, more local trail support for everyone.

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