Resolved: NY Communities Want Levers

  • por: Election Transparency Coalition
  • destinatário: Governor David Paterson, New York Senate Majority Leader Malcolm A. Smith, Senate Minority Leader Dean Skelos, Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, Assembly Minority Leader ian Kolb Senator Joseph Addabbo, Jr., Election Committee Chair As
Concerned citizens, organizations, and NY State counties, cities, and towns are joining together to advocate for the continued use of lever voting machines to ensure New York has an election system that is secure, transparent, and cost effective -- a system that inspires confidence in its integrity.

We the undersigned call upon our elected representatives in the NYS legislature to rescind or amend the Election Reform and Modernization Act (ERMA) and enact laws, rules and regulations that specifically authorize the continued use of lever-style voting machines.

We call upon Governor Paterson to urge the legislature to rescind ERMA and to return federal funding to replace lever machines, recognizing that returning these funds will save New Yorkers tax dollars and ensure the integrity of our democratic elections.

Thank you for taking action on our behalf.

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