"4" Sergeant's Buddy's Glow Ball" Keep this dog toy on the market!

Does your dog love this toy as much as mine do?
Sergeant's Pet Co. has decided to discontinue the dog toy "4" Buddy's Glow Ball". If your dog is as happy & satisfied with this toy as mine are please sign this petition to bring this toy back & keep it on the market.


Buddy's Glow Ball replacement is a ball called Powzer (I've noticed it also seems to be called 'Zoink' in some store - though they are both the same toy.) This 'new' toy didn't last my dogs four hours. The 4" Buddy's Glow ball will last my male GSD four to six months. Big difference! The material the Powzer/Zoink toy is built with is a fraction of the thickness of the Buddy's Glow Ball. I'm not wanting to knock the new toy Powzer/Zoink off the shelves, I just wish the company would keep the Buddy's Glow Ball on the market. It's a good toy at a good price. We the dog owners (some of us loyal to this toy) should have the choice between the two rather then be forced into a cheap unworthy replacement. We have already asked the company via phone if they would bring this toy back. We asked if a petition full of signatures would help, they said for me to go ahead with it. My goal is to get at least 2500 signatures to show them how many fans there are of this toy.

Please sign, there aren't enough decent toys at a decent price on the market. Don't let this one disappear forever. Help me to keep it on the market.

Please spread the word about this petition. If you know of others whose dogs love this toy too, let them know. Share a link.

Most Sincerely,

Trilby Fisher & my dogs:

Duchovny (German Shepherd Dog):  http://www.dogster.com/dogs/41882
Krycek (German Shepherd Dog):  http://www.dogster.com/dogs/41876
The Golden Snitch (Golden Retriever): http://www.dogster.com/dogs/139399

Discuss this issue on my German Shepherd Dog forum (in the Equipment section): http://thegsd.info/

Attention: John Gill, who signed on August 18th. I do not have access to email addresses, nor does the petition site support team I was told (for privacy) Please contact me through my German Shepherd Dog forum (link listed just above). Thank you!

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