1world1wage.org - The Global Labor Treaty

The Global Labor Treaty is a movement by 1world1wage.org to stop corporate labor abuses around the globe.
Our goal is to end slave labor abroad and protect workers here at home.

Universal Living Wages will end the practice of shipping jobs overseas, giving workers around the world power to determine their own fates through democratic means.
This will force corporations to negotiate with workers - rather than extort their cooperation with the threat of losing their jobs. 

We, the people of all nations, call upon Policy Makers, Trade Ambassadors, Investment Bankers, Ceos and Union Leaders around the globe to come together and recognise that the divide between rich and poor has reached critical proportions.
Unrest around the world is growing daily because it has become clear that in order for a small percentage of people to have so much, many have been forced to survive on very little.

We call upon you leaders to move us forward into an age of self-examination, mutual respect and responsibility to our fellow Human Beings by acknowledging the need for a Universal Living Wage.

Peace through prosperity for All. Peace through Self-Determination. Peace through People over Profits.

Let's come together...it's time.

Thank you

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