Tell the Senate to End Tax Breaks for Oil, Gas, and Coal!

Millions of Americans struggle to make ends meet. But the world’s richest and most powerful companies -- billion dollar corporate oil and gas giants -- are getting hundreds of millions of dollars, every year, from the U.S. government in the form of tax breaks.

Numerous studies find that eliminating subsidies for fossil fuel production would not have a significant impact on consumer gas prices. The Department of Treasury estimates less than a penny a gallon cost increase.

Tell the Senate that it's time to end these tax breaks for wealthy and powerful oil, gas and coal companies.
Dear Senator,

It's time to end tax breaks for wealthy and powerful oil, coal and gas companies.

While millions of Americans struggle to make ends meet, some of the world’s richest and most powerful companies are getting hundreds of millions of dollars, every year, in the form of tax breaks.

These companies are making record profits. They don't need our support. And numerous studies find that eliminating subsidies for fossil fuel production would not have a significant impact on consumer gas prices. In fact, the Department of Treasury estimates less than a penny a gallon cost increase.

[Your comments here]

We've been subsidizing these wealthy companies for far too long -- let's end these tax breaks once and for all.

[Your name here]
petitie tekenen
petitie tekenen


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