Prevent the Next Pandemic: End Live Animal Markets and Factory Farms

COVID-19 has forever changed our world. In just five months, 23.7 million global cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed. And sadly, 814,000 people around the world have died. In the United States, over 5.7 million cases have been confirmed and 178,000 have died. 

Most infectious diseases can be traced back to animals, including COVID-19. The large live animal markets in China provide a perfect breeding ground for a pandemic. So do the livestock auctions and live animal markets of the United States.

But how different is a live animal market abroad or in the U.S. compared to an industrial chicken farm in the United States? The similarities are frightening. 99% of animals raised in the US come from large-scale operations where stressed and terrified animals are crammed into small spaces often living in their own feces and other bodily fluids. 

That's why calling for an end to wild animal markets is not enough. It is time to make a change. To prevent pandemics like coronavirus we must end the demand for animal flesh and go vegan. 

Stop pandemics where they start. Sign our petition today and demand an end to live animal markets and industrial factory farms. 

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