Trump Ignored Endangered Species Protections, Ordering the Destruction of 280 Million Acres of U.S. Forests

  • van: Care2 Team
  • ontvanger: The U.S. Forest Service and U.S. Bureau of Land Management
The Trump administration has launched a reckless assault on America's federal forests, ordering the mass destruction of 280 million acres of public land for timber production. This includes trees that are considered "some of the most ecologically important" in the U.S.

This catastrophic decision not only benefits corporations at the expense of our environment, but it also blatantly disregards the Endangered Species Act. In the process, it threatens the survival of countless vulnerable animals, including grizzly bears, spotted owls, and wild salmon.

This move prioritizes short-term profits over the long-term health of our forests, our climate, and our communities. Sign the petition to demand that federal agencies protect and conserve U.S. forests!

Under this executive order, the U.S. Forest Service and the U.S. Bureau of Land Management are being pressured to increase logging quotas and bypass critical environmental protections. Trump's directive claims that it supposedly intends to bolster the economy and prevent wildfires, but scientific experts warn that excessive logging will do the exact opposite and increase the danger - by disrupting ecosystems, drying out forest floors, and increasing fire hazards.

The destruction of these forests will not only accelerate climate change by eliminating vital carbon sinks, but it will also pollute rivers and water supplies, degrade recreational areas, and push endangered species closer to extinction. To make matters worse, Trump has appointed a former timber executive to lead the Forest Service, ensuring that corporate profits will come before conservation.

This brazen disregard for environmental law cannot go unchallenged. We cannot allow this administration to hand over our public lands to corporate interests.

Sign the petition to help us demand that the U.S. Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management resist these unlawful orders, uphold their legal obligations under the Endangered Species Act, and put the preservation of our nation's forests before corporate greed. If they fail to act, we urge Congress to intervene and take immediate steps to protect our public lands.
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