respectful death for french horses

  • van: Anne Lorgeoux
  • ontvanger: Jacques CHIRAC, President of France
French horse owners are not allowed to bury or cremate their horses when they pas us to get this right!!

French horses do not have the right to be burned or buried when they pass away.

The day they do pass away, the french owners just have to watch people take their a place where he will be cremated with no respect, with no possibility for the owners to get the ashes back (as they are not burned alone).

I had to see that in november and I don't want ANY horse to have to go through this...they deserve our respect and our love!!

We deserve the right to have at least their ashes in an urn....they deserve to be treated respectfully.

so, help us to have the right to cremate our friends......alone, and to have their ashes back.....that their remains might be treated with love again.

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