Tell President Biden NO to Harmful Oil Drilling Project

URGENT: ConocoPhillips' Willow oil drilling project in the Western Arctic was originally approved by Trump but struck down in the courts in 2021. This crucial environmental decision is now on Biden's desk and in his hands.

The Willow project would be a DISASTER for our climate – this fragile Arctic region, home to Indigenous communities and bountiful wildlife, would be at risk.

The window to prevent any more significant damage to the environment is closing with each new oil drilling project. And the Willow project would guarantee decades of pollution and release millions of tons of CO2.

Tell the Biden Administration: the Willow project will undermine his previous commitment to cut emissions and directly threatens Indigenous communities and native wildlife in the Arctic.

Sign Now.
I'm a supporter of the League of Conservation Voters — and I am writing to oppose the ConocoPhillips Willow oil project in Alaska's Western Arctic. The region needs more protection from the fossil fuel industry, not less.

This project locks in long-term destruction to the Western Arctic and would require huge investments in new fossil fuel infrastructure, including up to 250 oil wells, hundreds of miles of pipelines, a gravel mine, a new processing facility, and more, which will significantly increase carbon pollution and worsen climate change.

Willow's climate impact is heightened by its location in the Western Arctic, the cultural homeland and subsistence area for a number of Alaska Native communities. The Western Arctic supports robust wild ecosystems that include caribou, geese, loons, salmon, polar bears, and bowhead whales. Its lands, waters and animals support a number of communities in the region. Any disruption that jeopardizes the health of these ecosystems puts all of its inhabitants at risk.

I urge you to oppose this damaging and dangerous project.
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