Please sign this petition. People are trying to remove Brody's permission to live in my home due to his barking. The reason he barks is when he is playing with his tennis ball. He is currently training to be an emotional support dog. He barks around 12 times a day, which my neighbours are trying to make out he barks much more and claiming he is nuisance. He does not bark within night hours (11pm - 7am) which does not make him a nuisance by law.

When I have panic attacks or become depressed Brody is training to alert other members of my family when I feel this way. His main job is to give me cuddles and make sure I'm okay, let me know he's here and he won't leave my side. He is a huge help when it comes to my mental health. Please sign this petition so I can keep Brody where he should be. Helping his owner with mental health issues.

Without him in my life I don't know where I'd be. Please sign to give us more time. 

Emotional support dogs should have the same rights as assistance dogs. I am not ashamed of my mental health and I am not ashamed to admit I feel attacked within my own home.

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