Corruption at the Supreme Court is Out of Control. We Need Reform Before They Wipe Out Any More of Our Rights.

The conservative justices of the Supreme Court (SCOTUS) have been on a roll recently with handing out terrifying new verdicts that impact everything from the integrity of American democracy to the experiences of everyday citizens. These verdicts have made it clear that corruption is more entrenched in our highest court than ever before, and multiple justices seem to be acting purely on personal gain and ideologies.

Sign the petition to support Joe Biden's calls for reform on the Supreme Court!

President Biden has been fighting the conservative-packed Supreme Court tooth and nail as the majority does Trump's right-wing bidding, abusing their immense power.

Take the shocking reversal of Roe v. Wade. This landmark decision, which protected reproductive rights and bodily autonomy for decades, was overturned in a way that seemed disconnected from both public sentiment and legal precedent. It's as if the Court made a decision that disregarded decades of established rights.

Then there's the recent bribery ruling, which has revealed troubling patterns of corruption. This ruling shows that justices might be accepting gifts and benefits while still claiming to be impartial. (In the past few years, Justice Clarence Thomas has indeed been embroiled in bribery scandals with billionaire Republican donor Harlan Crow.) The Court's decision has effectively legalized bribes, depending on when they are given, rather than outright condemning all forms of corrupt influence.

Moreover, the court recently limited federal regulations, which shows a disturbing trend towards weakening protections for the environment, workers, and consumers. These decisions are not just about immediate concerns; they erode the federal government's role in safeguarding our public welfare.

And let's not forget the decision granting immunity to former President Donald Trump for his crimes while serving as president has raised serious concerns about bias. Critics argue that this ruling reflects a dangerous precedent, where political figures seem to be above the law, potentially undermining democracy itself.

That immunity ruling is part of a recent call from Joe Biden to Congress: pass a comprehensive and enforceable ethical code to hold these corrupt judges accountable, and overturn this dangerous presidential immunity with a constitutional amendment.

Biden knows we need to address these issues head-on, before another president can use the highest court to gain and retain even more alarming power. U.S. democracy was built on a system of checks and balances to keep things fair and right; but clearly, things have become imbalanced, and the future of democracy depends on getting back on track.

Join us in campaigning to ensure that the Supreme Court operates with complete transparency and accountability. Your support is crucial in restoring trust and fairness to our legal system.

Sign the petition today to support Joe Biden's calls to hold the Supreme Court accountable!
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