Support a sun-powered Queensland and protect our climate and reef!

Queensland is called the sunshine state with good reason. The state has big open skies, not too many clouds and consistent sunshine that in just six hours it gives more energy than all humans use in a year.

Powering our lives with energy from the sun just makes sense. It doesn't harm our climate, fuel coral bleaching or pollute our air and water. It's affordable and good for our communities. It'll create lots of good jobs in new industries with a big future. In fact, it already is.

But in Queensland right now, the Palaszczuk government doesn't seem to get it. They are instead backing Adani's giant polluting coal mine and dithering on clean energy.

What happens in Queensland impacts all Australians – and the planet. The government is putting our climate, communities and reef at risk.

Our leaders must champion large-scale clean energy projects across the state, make the renewable energy target law, phase out coal and gas-fired power, and help workers in those industries prepare for jobs of the future.

There's too much at stake to not speak up now. Will you join us?

Sign the petition and say you are for a sun-powered Queensland and that you want everyone, everywhere to be able to power their lives with clean energy.
I'm for a sun-powered Queensland. I want everyone, everywhere to be able to power their lives with clean energy.
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