Talk to the Climate Change Skeptic in Your Life

In a world of serious science, there is no "climate debate." Pseudo-scientists and elected officials with an agenda have fabricated the idea that climate change is a hoax. In reality, the science behind whether carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases cause warming is clear and strong.
Climate change is all around us. From the increase in strange weather events in our own communities to the melting of glaciers at the ends of the earth, climate change is moving us toward an uncertain future.
So, it's time for those of us who know the truth to speak out. We all know that challenging the beliefs of our family and friends can be harder than educating strangers. But in order to stop climate change in its tracks, we have to muster the courage to speak out and choose reality.
Please take this pledge to talk to a friend or loved one who does not believe in (or is undecided about) climate change, and give them the evidence they need to know the truth.
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