Seneca College, Send Your Cows to Sanctuary, Not Slaughter

  • van: Care2 Team
  • ontvanger: Administrators of the Seneca College Veterinary Technician Program
Imagine getting a pet, caring for it and loving it, only to have it stripped away from you and killed.

That's what happened to the students of Seneca College's Veterinary Technician Program earlier this month.

Every year, students work with calves bought from a local farmer. At the end of the year, the animals are sold at auction and returned to the "food production cycle." But this year's students had other plans. They fell in love with their snugly "large dogs" and even gave them names: Bambi, Huey, Pongo, and Chester.

In order to save the cows, the class set up a GoFundMe page raising almost $3,000 which they were going to use to purchase the animals and then give them over to a sanctuary.

Unfortunately, they were given the wrong date for the auction and the cows were purchased and taken to slaughter.

The kids are devastated at the thought that their beloved baby cows are dead, and now they are fighting to protect future animals from the same fate.

Please sign the petition and ask Seneca College to commit to sending their classroom farm animals to a sanctuary, not to slaughter. Thank you.
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