Take Action Before Poachers Kill The Last Rhino

When Sudan the rhino was born in 1972 more than 1,000 northern white rhinos called central Africa home. Now, after years of brutal poaching, Sudan is the last remaining male northern white rhino left in the world.

Across Africa, rhinos like Sudan are being slaughtered for their horns. In South Africa alone, 1,054 rhinos were killed last year – an almost 9,000 percent increase since 2007 (when just 13 rhinos were poached). This ruthless killing funds a lucrative black market where poachers make millions of dollars from people who buy the illegally traded rhino horn, falsely believing it can cure cancer and other ailments.

Extinction is looming for Sudan and his kind – but there is hope. In October 2016, the United States passed the END Wildlife Trafficking Act focused on improving law enforcement, governance and community-based conservation, as well as reducing demand for endangered species and products made from them. This act strengthened the anti-poaching and anti-trafficking efforts being undertaken by African governments and conservation partners, like the African Wildlife Foundation.

Don't let poachers drive rhinos into extinction. Stand with Sudan and sign this petition if you agree that illegal wildlife poaching has no place on our planet.
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