DANGER For ANIMALS! ALPINE SKI Season is starting again; safetynet parts away from nature!

FIS need much volonteers to help take the broken safetynets away from the area after competition. There are many animals living in there and they mixup with the safetynets.

Alpine ski season is starting in Solden next October...last year there was no snow and it started in Finland Kittila in November. I also bought one extra channel for the Alpine season and I am not so much here.

Alpine skiing is dangerous sports and they really need the safetynets because in DOWNHILL they come with the skis the speed about 150km/hour. Next is SUPER-G and the speed is still more than 100 km/hour. And the other Alpine sport. If they hadn't the safety nets much people die in this sport.

There are many stars like US Ted Ligety which was champin I don't remember but it would have been in two different alpine sport...was it combined and super slalom. He was also Olympic medalist.

Many other countries have also big stars there. It's awsome to watch in TV and that's why I wrote this petition that the Alpine Skiing can continue without harming animals.

Contact FIS if you are vonteer; that is your chance to make difference on the competition area.

Copyright Leiah Sariell

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