Amazon: Stop selling glue traps

Glue traps are cruel, inhumane and indiscriminate.

Glue traps are devices designed to catch pests using a sticky material on a board that causes animals to become stuck.

Sadly these devices catch many non-target species, including cats.

When cats become trapped in these devices they can become more stuck as they attempt to free their legs, putting more of their body in contact with the glue. In a panic, cats can end up ripping their fur and wounding themselves as they attempt to tear the device from their skin - sadly, the injuries can be so severe that cats trapped in these devices won't always survive.

In England, the use of glue traps for catching rodents is banned by the "Glue Traps (Offences) Act 2022".

Despite this, Amazon and other retailers continue to sell 'glue traps' purportedly aimed at catching 'pests' or 'insects'.

Sign the petition calling for Amazon – and other retailers – to act and end the sale of these cruel devices.
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