Walmart: Label Genetically Engineered Products!

Earlier this summer Walmart started selling Monsanto's genetically engineered sweet corn with pesticides inside the corn. Not on it, IN IT. Now that the sweet corn has been genetically engineered in a lab, the pesticide is part of the corn itself at the DNA level.

This is the first crop that Monsanto has genetically engineered direct for human consumption. Despite widespread consumer outrage, Walmart is now selling it in their stores and refusing to notify their customers with a simple label.

This sweet corn was engineered in a lab to kill insects feeding on the corn by destroying their stomach linings. What is this corn doing to us and our families?

A growing number of scientists have concerns about possible health impacts. Is this a chance you want to take with your health?

Sign our petition to tell Walmart to label products that have been genetically engineered -- because corporations shouldn't be allowed to keep us in the dark, we have the right to know what we're eating.
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