Help the Burmese People Receive Aid in Cyclone Aftermath

  • van: Care2
  • ontvanger: Embassies of Myanmar, in Washington DC and international

In the aftermath of cyclone Nargis, it is believed that up to 100,000 people in Myanmar have been killed, and at least 1.5 million people "severely affected" or left homeless. The United Nations has landed an aid plane in Myanmar, bringing food and equipment to some of the country's population, but the military junta continues to resist offers of large-scale help by blocking most international aid.

At Care2, we are committed to empowering regular people to make a difference around the world. That's the power of a caring community. But when the amazing humanitarian organizations that Care2 partners with are struggling to reach the Burmese people because the corrupt and brutal military junta fails to process visas and open its borders for aid, it makes us mad.

Sign our petition to the Embassies of Myanmar, and urge them to do everything possible to enable the UN and humanitarian aid groups to reach the people of Myanmar immediately.

In the aftermath of cyclone Nargis, it is believed that up to 100,000 people in Myanmar have been killed, and at least 1.5 million people "severely affected" or left homeless. The United Nations has landed an aid plane in Myanmar, bringing food and equipment to some of the country's population, but large-scale help by most international aid continues to be blocked.

The people of Myanmar urgently needed humanitarian relief, and the world is waiting at your borders -- poised and ready to help.

We respectfully urge you to fast track the paperwork for humanitarian aid workers who are eagerly awaiting the opportunity to help the people of Myanmar, and do everything possible to work with the UN and international aid organizations to provide immediate relief to your people.
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