End the wildlife trade. Forever.

Animals are at the centre of a cruel multi-billion-dollar business that exploits them on an industrial scale. Every year, millions of wild animals are sold into the global wildlife trade for food, traditional medicine, entertainment and to become pets.

Fennec foxes, African grey parrots and Ball pythons: these are just some of the wild animals suffering in the cruel wildlife trade right now. Horrific conditions cause unimaginable suffering for every single animal involved.

The wildlife trade also creates a hotbed of zoonotic diseases and illnesses that originate from animals, leading to deadly outbreaks like SARS and now COVID-19. Beyond the pain inflicted on animals, we must stop this trade in wild animals now to help prevent future global health crises and protect our environment for generations to come.

Ending the global wildlife trade is one of the most effective strategies to prevent future pandemics, end the suffering of wild animals and to protect biodiversity.

Sign the petition today. Join us in calling on the Canadian Government to commit to ending the global wildlife trade at the G20 Leaders' Summit this November.

Together we can move Canada and other G20 countries to take action. For animals, people and our planet, we must end this cruel trade. Sign the petition today.

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