Keep Humanitarian Aid in Sudan

The Government of Sudan has recently ordered the closure of humanitarian aid programs in Darfur, North and East Sudan.

This decision puts at risk the lives of millions of Sudanese who rely on humanitarian aid for survival. The international community has a responsibility to do everything in its power to ensure the delivery of lifesaving aid to vulnerable men, women and children in war-torn Sudan.

Call on United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon to urge the Government of Sudan to reconsider this deplorable decision and ensure the delivery of lifesaving aid to vulnerable people in Sudan!
Dear United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon,

I am writing you in protest of the decision by the Government of Sudan to order the closure of humanitarian programs in Darfur, North and East Sudan. This decision puts millions of lives at risk.

I call on the international community to do everything in its power to ensure the delivery of lifesaving aid to vulnerable men, women and children in Sudan.

[Personal comments here]

I ask that you urge the Government of Sudan to reconsider this deplorable decision, preserve the lives of its citizens and guarantee the safety of humanitarian workers.
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