Protect our ballot boxes from MAGA arsonists!

The political violence that Trump has been promising and inciting for so long is becoming a reality. Ballot boxes full of hundreds of early votes were discovered to have been set on fire in Washington, Oregon, and Arizona, and it isn't hard to figure out who's behind this.

Major right-wing social media accounts have been explicitly pushing for Trump supporters to carry out acts of violence against ballot boxes. "It would be terrible if people were to dump massive amounts of water inside of ballot drop boxes in Democrat counties this election. What other substances should we avoid putting into ballot drop boxes in Democrat counties this election season?" wrote "WallStreetSilver," a Canadian disinformation account, in July.

Congress needs to take action ASAP to protect the integrity of our ballot boxes and stop Trump's rabid supporters from stealing the election through criminal arson and other acts of violence!

Protect our ballot boxes from MAGA arsonists!

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