Tell Nevada Lawmakers and Utility Regulators: Invest in Local Clean Energy

Methane is an aggressive climate pollutant, with more than 80 times the warming power of carbon dioxide during its first 20 years in the atmosphere. It is costly for our health, our families, and our pocketbooks.

Nevada families deserve rapid and equitable progress away from methane gas and toward local clean energy sources like solar and geothermal power. We need investments in energy efficiency and weatherization. We cannot tie our families to dirty fossil fuels for another generation.

Tell Nevada lawmakers and the Public Utilities Commission that our families are ready for the transition to clean energy.

As a parent and Nevada utility customer, I'm urging NV Energy and Southwest Gas to focus on cost-saving clean energy solutions for our communities. The seemingly endless rate hikes and price surges of methane gas mean that winter heating and summer air conditioning bills are too high for families like mine to afford. It is unfair for monopoly utilities to increase their profits and continue polluting in a way that costs us all. We are counting on our utility regulators and policy makers to protect struggling families and communities.

Nevada's dependence on out-of-state, dirty, and expensive fossil fuels is a threat not just to our pocketbooks but to our health. Methane accelerates climate change—and all its associated health impacts, like heat-related illness, asthma attacks, and vector-borne illness.

Our state must take advantage of current federal investments in clean energy and pollution reduction—the largest such investments in U.S. history. It's time to move away from the bad policies of the past and bring lower bills, cleaner air, and a stable climate to all Nevadans.

The Public Utilities Commission and Nevada Legislature must hold utility companies accountable and champion real solutions to reduce our bills and invest in local, pollution-free clean energy. Nevada families—and our children's health—must come first.


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