Congress: Pass the Civilian Harm Review and Reassessment Act!

  • van: Win Without War
  • ontvanger: Members of the 118th House of Representatives
In 2019, three men in Syria were driving home in a van after their work day at a local olive press. They happened to drive by a village where the Pentagon was conducting a raid on ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. With little warning, U.S. pilots attacked the van, and then targeted them with further airstrikes when they tried to run for their lives. In the end, two of the men were killed, and one was severely injured — just because they were at the wrong place at the wrong time.

When tragedies like this occur, the Pentagon has few answers for the injured or families who have lost loved ones — and this is nothing new. Not acknowledging civilian casualties is a well-established pattern of U.S. military operations abroad. It's time for accountability for all the destruction and death caused to people and families.

That's why Reps. Sara Jacobs, Ro Khanna, and Jason Crow recently introduced the Civilian Harm Review and Reassessment Act. This bill will require the Department of Defense to investigate and review allegations of everyday people being harmed between 2011 and 2023 that were wrongfully dismissed. It will also require a report to Congress on concrete next steps on how to prevent similar errors in the future.

We believe the Pentagon needs to be held accountable when it harms everyday people — and if you're with us, it's time to act.

Sign this petition we're sending to the House telling them to pass H.R. 5112 — the Civilian Harm Review and Reassessment Act!
To Members of the 118th House of Representatives:

I urge you to pass the Civilian Harm Review and Reassessment Act (H.R. 5112). For far too long, there's been little to no accountability for the civilian harm caused by U.S. military operations worldwide.


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