Demand Australia end the cruel live export trade

More brutal than you can ever dare to imagine, more inhumane than anything you can dream-up of – Australian cattle in Vietnam been brutally bashed to death by sledgehammer.

Footage from activist show cattle being hit repeatedly to the head to stun them before slaughter, or being killed by the hammer blows.

Having your skull shattered by a sledgehammer would have to be one of the most horrific ways to die – yet this is a traditional method of slaughter in Vietnam, yet Australia continues sending cattle to Vietnam to suffer horrific and bloody deaths.

No animal should be subjected to the cruel and outdated practice
Trade must halt while an independent review is carried out, and must not be allowed to continue until abattoirs and exporters can guarantee the cattle will be treated humanely and that the necessary follow-ups and checks are in place to make sure that this does not happen again. This case in Vietnam highlights the issue as a whole however; these poor animals are mistreated from ship to port.

We cannot allow this to continue, this barbarism must be stopped.

Sign this petition with me to end this senseless violence and insist that unless Agriculture Minister Barnaby Joyce can properly monitor and regulate exporters and buyers, to stop the live export trade.

We call on Agriculture Minister Barnaby Joyce step up and take action.
Halt the live cattle export trade.

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