Take the Pledge to Resist Trump's Disastrous Plans

Donald Trump has been elected to the presidency, and it's time to fight like hell to keep him from destroying our wildlife and wild places.
The stakes don't get any higher than this. If President Trump carries out the disastrous promises he made while campaigning, the Environmental Protection Agency will be gutted, the Endangered Species Act will be shredded, old-growth forests will be clear-cut, hard-fought global climate change agreements will be undermined, and polluters will be given free rein over our water and air.
Donald Trump is a disaster for public lands, wildlife and climate. His environment-destroying policies run contrary to our nation's bedrock environmental laws. In the face of Trump's disturbing authoritarianism, the Center for Biological Diversity is redoubling its commitment to upholding the rule of law and the right of all Americans to clean air and water; healthy forests, rivers and deserts; and thriving wildlife.
We need you to join us in the resistance today -- sign the pledge to fight President Trump's disastrous environmental plans.
I pledge to lift my voice and take action to oppose Donald Trump's dangerous plans for America. I'm deeply concerned that President Trump will dismantle the Environmental Protection Agency, gut the Endangered Species Act, back out of hard-fought global climate change agreements, and give big polluters and corporate cronies free rein over the air, land and water that all Americans depend on. His policies will be disastrous for minority communities, imperiled wildlife and our most cherished wild places.
I will not sit back and allow any form of hatred and wanton destruction to take place without taking action. The time is now. I pledge to resist Donald Trump's dangerous plans.
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