Condemn Elon Musk for sharing fake AI-video of Kamala Harris on X

Elon Musk shared a fake video on his platform X that uses an AI-generated voice mimicking Kamala Harris, calling herself the "ultimate diversity hire" and spewing other insults about her and Joe Biden.

Musk's post does not label the video as parody or include any disclaimer about the AI-generated voice, potentially violating X's own rules about sharing "misleading media."

Elon Musk has over 190 million followers on X and owns the company. Spreading disinformation is incredibly dangerous – and it's not the first time he's done it. We need to condemn it, fight back, and if it continues, change the laws to make this a criminal offense.

Sign your name: Condemn Elon Musk for spreading disinformation on X >>

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