Tell Congress and the Administration: Keep nature on the agenda

So much is at stake for nature in the coming year: the protection of wildlife and natural places, the clean air and water our communities rely on, the health of people and the entire planet. As new leadership takes office, elected officials need to hear from YOU.

Tell Congress and the White House how much you care about our natural world. Tell them how critical it is to rely on science to guide conservation efforts. Tell them you're counting on them to address urgent challenges like energy use, sustaining endangered landscapes, and protecting critically imperiled species.

Speak out now: Protect our nation's natural heritage and the health of people and our planet.

Stand up for nature

Dear Sir or Madam,

I care deeply about our lands and waters -- and the communities that rely upon them -- and I'm counting on you to prioritize science-based policies that will protect our nation's natural heritage, our most cherished places, and the many benefits nature provides to communities. 

Now is the time to address urgent challenges like advancing sustainable energy, conserving endangered landscapes, and protecting imperiled species.

I urge you to stand up for laws that will put the U.S. on a path to a healthier future for all of us who rely on nature's resources. Can I get your commitment to nature?

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