Stop Project 2025!

Project 2025 is a right-wing plan to take over the federal government and dismantle civil liberties, worker rights, environmental protections, and public education. 

It's a 900 plus page master plan for rolling back the clock on progress. And it's been embraced by the Republican Party as a guiding document for the years ahead. It can't be overstated just how dangerous these plans are. Project 2025 calls for 

  • Replacing federal workers with Right-Wing loyalists
  • Gutting the Environmental Protection Agency
  • Rolling back reproductive rights
  • Abolishing federal protections for LGBTQI rights

Project 2025 is a serious threat to what we care most about. So it's going to take all of us, working together to make sure this horrible plan never sees the light of day.

Will you join Drumbeat and pledge your opposition to this dangerous plan? Sign today, and add your name to the growing movement of people who are doing everything they can to stop Project 2025! 
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