Tell the Senate: Help Protect Bird Habitats from Forest Destruction!

Forest biomass is made by cutting down forests, turning the trees into wood pellets, and burning them to produce electricity on an industrial scale – all of which harms wildlife. These companies claim they only use woody material that's no longer viable, but that's not true.

The wood pellet plants that create this fuel:

  • Cause habitat loss, which devastates wildlife populations that have already suffered declines up to 70% in birds like the cerulean warbler and wood thrush;
  • Pollute surrounding communities and release huge amounts of carbon emissions;
  • Harm communities that are frequently under-resourced.

Senator Cory Booker introduced the Forest Biomass Emissions Act, which would be a significant step toward addressing the harms to our wildlife, communities, and climate caused by industrial forest biomass power.

Urge the Senate to support this bill and protect our animals, forests, and communities from the dirty forest biomass industry!

To whom it may concern: 

Forest biomass is made by cutting down forests, turning the trees into wood pellets, and burning
them to produce electricity on an industrial scale – all of which harms wildlife. These companies
claim they only use woody material that's no longer viable, but that's not true.
The wood pellet plants that create this fuel:

● Cause habitat loss which devastates wildlife populations that have already suffered
declines up to 70% in birds like the cerulean warbler and wood thrush;
● Pollute surrounding communities and release huge amounts of carbon emissions;
● Harm communities that are frequently under-resourced.

Senator Cory Booker introduced the Forest Biomass Emissions Act, which would be a
significant step toward addressing the harms to our wildlife, communities, and climate caused
by industrial forest biomass power.

Please, support this Act! 

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