Demand Poultry factories stop inhumane conditions of chickens . Stop smashing chickens into cages spending years unable to move just for cheaper eggs

    We need laws to protect birds especially those in factories like Hickman Farms. They ran as many chickens as possible into tiny cages where they stay for 2 years unable to move. Pecking each other until feathers disappear completely then are thrown into tuner cages squashed in taken to their splatter. We need to improve their standards & quality of life. There is no reason to torture them just for eggs. I demand the public be notified of the brutal cruelty done to our feathered friend so we can unite helping these innocent defenseless creatures. Laws be adopted holding factories accountable for their cold harsh violent, painful treatment of their stock. Including fines so steep it will no longer be financially profitable to contain them in harsh conditions. Laws that every factory have cameras recording every area for public viewing. Public knowledge leading to empathy leading to action on societies part to start protecting sad birds & all animals.
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    petitie tekenen
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