Stop Keystone XL Once and For All

  • van: Aaron V
  • ontvanger: Nebraska Public Service Commission; Jeffrey Pursley, Executive Director; Commissioners Rod Johnson, Frank Landis, Crystal Rhoades, Mary RIdder, Tim Schram, Nichole Mulcahy - Deputy Director and Legal Counsel, Natural Gas & Pipeline Division

President Donald Trump is trying to overturn one of the biggest environmental victories of the past 5 years by approving the Keystone XL pipeline.

KXL would be an environmental nightmare on a global scale, allowing unprecedented development of dirty Canadian tar sands, and exacerbating global warming pollution.

The pipeline also threatens land owners and jeopardizes drinking water sources such as the Ogallala Aquifer and the Platt River, as well as 28 other locations where the pipeline would cross water sources in Nebraska.

Even though Trump's pledge to force the pipeline to be made of U.S. steel isn't happening, he's taking huuuge credit for permitting the pipeline. There's just one problem: He's not a king, and he doesn't get to force KXL through with the stroke of a pen.

The Nebraska Public Service Commission will have final say in granting TransCanada (the company behind KXL) the ability to use eminent domain to take land from people in Nebraska.

Sign the petition to resist Trump's bad idea - urge the PSC to stand with landowners who are unwilling to jeopardize the environment and Nebraska's land and water by selling pipeline access.

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