This Zoo Replaced Dead Animals With Animals Poached From the Wild

Last year, a zoo ranger at the Delhi Zoo in New Delhi, India noticed something strange. The number of monitor lizards at the zoo seemed to vary from day to day.

The animals were not, of course, playing tricks on him, but his supervisors were.

Turns out the lizards were dying at an alarming rate. From the original five, not even one survived but then, just like that, four more took their place. Zoo officials were replacing dead animals with new ones.  

This story and a host of other horrors come out in a report that found that zoo officials at the Delhi Zoo tried to hide their extremely high animal mortality rate by replacing their dead animals with animals they poached from the wild. An inquiry conducted by authority found that zoo staff illegally captured monitor lizards, sand boa, rat snakes, tortoises and two small Indian civets.

Many people think of zoos and their staff as being dedicated to the education of the public on the importance of animals, but the Delhi Zoo staff were more with saving their own skin than saving the animals of our planet.

It's time the Central Zoo Authority shut down this zoo and end their horrific cycle of poach, kill, replace and repeat. Sign the petition and tell officials to shut down the Delhi Zoo.
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