Palin: Take Consistent and Firm Stand Against Moose Poaching

  • van: Care2
  • ontvanger: Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin
The backstory to Sarah Palin's accusations against her former brother-in-law, Trooper Mike Wooten, reveals how Palin and her family have shown utter disregard for wildlife - unless it can be used to her political advantage!

According to the Troopergate investigation, Palin's sister Molly got a permit and invited her then-husband, Trooper Wooten, to join her on a moose hunting trip. When it came time to actually shoot the moose, Molly had no interest and asked Wooten to take the shot - even though it is illegal to shoot an animal under someone else's permit. After the shooting, the Wootens brought the moose to Palin's father for him to butcher.

Sarah Palin and her family had no issue with asking Wooten to illegally kill the moose under his wife's permit, nor did they have a problem butchering or eating it. But once Sarah Palin decided she could use the moose killing to attack her former brother-in-law, she did.

Palin needs to know: Moose are not political pawns - they are majestic animals and deserve to be treated humanely!
Dear Governor Palin,

As more and more of the Troopergate investigation records are released, I am concerned that the details suggest you and your family have a complete disregard for the welfare of wildlife, including moose.

When your father pressured your sister into using the cow moose permit he had gotten for her despite her dislike of hunting, I think you should have objected. When her husband agreed to take the shot since she wasn't interested, I think you should have objected. Instead, your father completed the butchering of the animal.

But years later, when the relationship between Trooper Wooten and your sister had gone south, you brought out the illegal shooting of the moose in an attempt to kick him out of his job. While I firmly believe the moose should not have been illegally killed in the first place, I wish you had objected to it when it happened.

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Moose are living creatures that deserve our respect at all times - not just when it's politically convenient!
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