Sexual Assault is a War Crime. The ICC Must Investigate Russian Soldiers Who Are Allegedly Committing it.

  • van: Care2 Team
  • ontvanger: International Criminal Court (ICC)
War is brutal for all involved: the images coming out of Ukraine make that abundantly clear. But women are often some of the unseen victims of war, experiencing predatory behavior from invading soldiers -- from street harassment to violent sexual assault. And new reports coming from Ukraine suggest that these atrocities are on the rise, with Russian soldiers as perpetrators and Ukrainian civilians as victims. We must put a stop to this patriarchal violence!

Sign now to demand that the International Criminal Court investigate these instances of sexual violence and charge the perpetrators with war crimes!

There are many ripple effects of the violence of war, and right now, Ukranian officials are witnessing an increase in reports of sexual violence involving Russian soldiers. Rape is a war crime, plain and simple. And Russia is no stranger to war crimes -- images from on the ground have shown civilians killed execution style, with their hands tied behind their back and bullets indicating close-range gunshots. Reports of sexual assault in Ukraine are just another example of the way Putin's deranged invasion plans have wreaked havoc on the eastern European country.

If rape is a war crime, it should be treated as such. Investigating these claims should be a priority at the International Criminal Court, and as every moment passes that the ICC doesn't investigate it, more civilians are at risk.

Though certainly difficult, war crime cases can be brought before the ICC in The Hague. We must tell the International Criminal Court that we will not standby and allow Russian soldiers to engage in this type of horrific, deeply traumatizing violence. Sign the petition now to put pressure on the ICC! Russian soldiers should be investigated for war crimes NOW and the perpetrators must be charged!
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