File charges against Danielle Susan Ruger and Jennifer Greene of Clay County Florida for cruelty

  • van: Rebecca McCoy
  • ontvanger: Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission

Link to story with videos. 

This is a petition for the named girls above to be charged with and prosecuted to the full extent of the law for knowingly torturing and killing a gopher tortoise, a threatened species in the State of Florida. On Tuesday July 15, 2014 Danielle Susan Ruger and Faith Hope allegedly each uploaded a video to their Facebook pages of them pouring fluid on to the tortoise and attempting to light it on fire. When that attempt failed, one girl stomped the tortoise to death. The girls can be heard throughout the video screaming "burn baby burn" and "Why won't he just die". This is a sick act of animal cruelty and swift and strict punishment must follow for their actions.

Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission 

File charges against Danielle Susan Ruger and Faith Hope of Clay County Florida for cruelty to animals and violation of the Endangered Species Act.

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