Pledge 1% for the Planet

One in six species faces potential extinction due to climate change. One million plastic bags are used every minute. Six thousand acres of open land are lost daily. Climate change is altering life as we know it on our one and only home.

That's right. The time is now. The threats to our planet are SERIOUS and we ALL need to help. What can you do?

Take action and pledge to become a 1% for the Planet member today!

Our members pledge to give back 1% of their annual salary directly to environmental nonprofits through monetary and volunteer support. Everybody has a 1%, and collectively, we can turn things around.

Once you join the 1% for the Planet movement, you will receive personalized and strategic advice to ensure your giving aligns with the issues that matter to you most. You'll also gain access to exclusive offers and discounts from 1% for the Planet business members. And you can leverage our global brand to encourage others to take action!

Pledge to join our growing global movement of givers and doers who—across diverse geographies and incomes—come together to make a difference.

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petitie tekenen
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