Make it a lawful obligation for any Person working with in the animal industry to report and follow up on potential animal abuse, Neglect and miss treatment
Neglect and miss treatment Is not something that is legally required to be reported from people working with in a veterinary setting this is very concerning as well it needs to happen if we are to create a happy and diverse environment.
All animals especially pets play a really important part in our Natural and domestic environments.
Pets especially only have one life and yes it’s true us as humans we to have one life however pets are only a small fraction of our human life and they need to have some one stand up for them and advocate safety love and care. A pet is not something that you get just because you’re bored or because the pandemic has hit a pet is a lifetime commitment when you buy a pet the commitment is that you will take care of that pet for its entire life unless for instance something does arise where you are no longer able ensuring that is suitable and safe home is found for them. It is not okay for an animal to be abandoned miss treated abused or neglected and it should be legally required for anybody who notices or is concerned to report it and it does need to be more available places in which animals can find sanctuary.
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