We live in a time now that our elders can’t get health care, state benefits, the very thing that keeps them alive after they have done so much for our world, our economy! Half of them even fought for our freedom but now that same hero that gave us freed

    I am concerned because there are so many veterans that are homeless and don’t get any kind of financial help and they get treated like nothing on the streets when they fought for our freedom. I think that they should receive a benefit, regardless of whether they were honorably, discharged or dishonorably or had to be taken out due to injury because last time I checked none of these young teenagers I have wanted to go out and fight for their country freedom but I have definitely seen them treat a hero like he was feces on the Bottom of someone’s shoe! He was told that insult that particular individual because he asked someone for 50 Cent because he was short $.50 for his PTSD medication. You know the medication that heroes come back with and fight to not kill themselves every day try not to bite the bullet I would just love to have a program where anyone who can prove that they are a part of a military branch veteran army Navy, Air Force any type of government worker if ever should run into any trouble medical wise, it should be fixed at no cost to them majority of their medical reasons is because of fighting for a country so even though I know that all of the military and veterans won’t get benefits like they should I at least believe that they should questions ask given their medicine free of charge until the day it’s not needed anymore
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    petitie tekenen
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