Take the pledge to Defend our Democracy

Help Elect Young Progressive Leaders!

In January alone we inspired over 1,500 people to sign up to run for office — and we are not slowing down!

Great candidates can come from anywhere, and we're doing all we can to find them everywhere. Whether it's on Snapchat or at the gym, in a Twitter thread or on a picket line; we're asking diverse young progressives to run for state and local office.

We're going to keep recruiting and supporting diverse young progressives, but we can't do it without you.

Run for Something's strategy works, and our work doesn't start or stop with Election Day. We're committed to building long-lasting Democratic power from the ground up, and we look forward to continuing in 2023 and beyond.
Hey there,

This spring, SCOTUS will hear a case regarding Alabama's racially drawn districts. If they uphold these districts, it could be a devastating blow to our voting rights and our democracy.

But as John Lewis said, "I gave a little blood on that bridge in Selma, Alabama for the right to vote. I am not going to stand by and let the Supreme Court take the right to vote away from us."

Neither are we. State and local elected officials have a TON of power to secure, expand, and protect voting rights.


Diverse young progressives around the country — including some fierce Run for Something alums — are already doing the work:

🗳In Minnesota, Cedrick Frazier was the chief author of a bill that restores voting rights to people still on parole on probation.

🗳Gabriella Cazáres-Kelly, Pima County Recorder and the first Native American to hold elected office in Pima County, has been expanding voting services to rural and Tribal communities and working to enfranchise college students and people with felonies.

🗳In California, voters could decide to reinstate voting rights to people in prison on felony convictions under a newly proposed constitutional amendment.

🗳 And who can forget that powerful moment nearly two years ago when Texas Democrats staged a walkout in protest led by RFS alum Jasmine Crockett, James Talrico & Erin Zwiener, killing one of the most restrictive voting measures in the country?


With more diverse young progressives in state and local offices, we can protect and expand voting rights everywhere, from the deepest red to the deepest blue states.

Let's do this,

Run for Something
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