Tell Loblaws to Ensure Animals Aren't Tortured in Its Supply Chain

My name is William, and I worked at more than a dozen chicken factory farms that supply Lilydale, which sells chicken to Loblaws grocery stores across Canada.
While working at Lilydale chicken supplier farms, I witnessed some of the most sadistic animal abuse imaginable, including workers kicking, hitting, and throwing birds; slamming them hard against walls and transport crates; and gleefully ripping the legs off conscious animals.
One day I watched in horror as a worker tried to rip a bird in half with his bare hands and then threw her badly mangled—but still living—body onto the ground for her to slowly die. Other days I saw workers torment frightened animals in sexually explicit ways in full view of company management.
Nobody did anything to stop this unspeakable animal abuse, which is why I'm coming forward now. With help from Mercy For Animals, I've submitted a detailed complaint to law enforcement and am hopeful that they will take swift action.
I'm also calling on Loblaws grocery stores to enact a much-needed animal welfare policy requiring Lilydale and its other chicken suppliers to end the worst forms of animal abuse in their operations.
A meaningful animal welfare policy by Loblaws, as a major purchaser of Lilydale chicken, would prevent much of the most egregious abuse I witnessed.
Please, take a moment to sign my petition urging Loblaws to require its suppliers to end some of the worst forms of animal abuse.
Dear Loblaws,
I just watched hidden-camera video of animals being tortured to death at multiple Lilydale chicken supplier farms. The sickening video shows horrific abuses:
- Workers hitting, kicking, and throwing birds and smashing them into walls and transport crates
- Birds crushed by transport machinery and having their legs ripped off by careless workers
- Management standing by while workers torment animals with crude sex acts and rough handling
- Severely sick and injured birds bred to grow too large to walk without pain left to languish and die
I'm sure you'll agree with me that this abuse is absolutely unacceptable!
As one of the biggest grocers in Canada and a major Lilydale chicken buyer, Loblaws has the power and responsibility to ensure chickens sold in your stores were not tortured.
I am writing to ask that Loblaws move quickly to prevent the worst forms of animal abuse in its supply chain by adopting meaningful animal welfare policies, including the following:
- Zero tolerance for animal abuse to deter egregious acts of violence against animals Improved genetic selection and monitoring systems to prevent lameness and other related health issues in birds at supplier farms
- Requiring farms to provide birds with access to clean litter, improved lighting and air quality, environmental enrichments, and enough space to engage in natural behaviors
- Demanding poultry suppliers end live-shackle slaughter in favor of less cruel systems that eliminate the horrific suffering caused by dumping, shackling, shocking, and slitting the throats of conscious animals
These are commonsense changes that would greatly alleviate needless suffering for millions of animals.
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